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How to set up rules and notifications

Notifications πŸ””

Notifications are your go-to tool for staying informed and making timely decisions. 
With automatic alerts on site events, this feature is designed to keep you in the loop. 
Whether it's an important occurrence or an urgent situation, you can receive instant notifications via SMS or email.

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Importance of notifications

Being aware of critical site events that require immediate attention is essential for effective decision-making. 

SiteHive's Notifications feature plays a crucial role in keeping you informed. By providing automatic alerts for site events, this feature ensures that important updates are delivered promptly to all SiteHive users. 

With the ability to receive notifications via SMS or email, you can stay connected to your site and promptly address any arising issues. 

Enviro Software - set up automatic notifications

This image shows the steps to add a recipient to your site. The image is of the SiteHive Enviro Dashboard - in the top menu bar 'site details' is highlighted and has been clicked. This has brought up the second menubar where 'notifications' is highlighted and clicked. This image shows the 'notification settings' page where the 'add recipient' button is highlighted.

Enviro Pro Quick Rules

Enviro Pro customisable notification rules: Stay informed on your terms through events

ℹ️ Events are a SiteHive Enviro Pro feature that allows users to record, investigate and explain exceedances that happen on site. 

When configuring personalised rules in the Site Details section, it's important to note that selecting "Events" will activate notifications, while opting for "Thresholds" will generate threshold lines on the dashboard and reporting graphs without notifications. 

Creating custom rules This is an enlarged image of the 'create custom rule.'

1️⃣ Rule Details

This is an image of the first step of creating a custom rule. Rule Details - you can name your rule in an empty text field, select aspect - Noise or Dust, choose a parameter from a dropdown and then generate where you select either thresholds only or events.

2️⃣ Times

This is where you will select when your custom rule is applied. There are 4 options: Always, Site Hours, Out of Hours, Custom Hours.

This is an image of the second step in custom rules. Times - in the image it is displayed that you can choose always, site hours, out of hours or custom.

This image is of the Times step where 'site hours' has been clicked. It displays Mon - Fri as 07:00 to 18:00, Sat as 08:00 to 13:00 and Sun not working.

This image is of times and displays out of hours. Mon - Fri 00:00 to 07:00 and 18:00 to 24:00. Sat: 00:00 to 08:00 and 13:00 to 24:00 and Sun is All day.

This image displays custom times. Here you can select from a drop down for start time and end time. Below that you can select days Mon - Sun. Underneath the days there is an 'add another time period filter' button which could be used if you want to create your own custom night rules. Below that there is summary. The summary displays the custom times you have created. Below that to the left there is a 'back' button and to the right a 'next' button.

3️⃣ Criteria

There are two options for your Rule Criteria: As Received and Scheduled Intervals.

As Received: 

Typically used for noise monitoring - Data will be checked against this rule each time it is received based on the inequality you selected and the threshold you'd like to be alerted about from your selected device(s).This image is of the third step to set up a custom rule. Criteria - displayed is check data where you can select as received or scheduled intervals. Below that there is a dropdown 'trigger an event if maximum XYZ is' and below that is an empty text field to enter threshold. Underneath threshold to the left is a 'back' button and to the right is a 'next' button.

Scheduled Intervals:  

Scheduled intervals allow you to select how often you'd like to check the data, what will be calculated, over what period of time, when to trigger an event based on the inequality you choose and what threshold you'd like to be alerted about from your selected device(s).

This image displays criteria - scheduled intervals. There is an every field where you can enter the amount of time or days and select either minutes, hours or days. There is a calculate dropdown below. In this image average PM10 has been selected. Below that is an 'over the previous' dropdown where you can enter the amount of time/days and select either minutes, hours or days. Below that is a 'trigger an event if average PM10 over the previous XYZ time is greater than, greater than or equivalent, less than or less than or equivalent. The final customisable field is threshold. There is an open text field to type in your threshold. Below that to the left is a 'back' button and to the right a 'next' button.

4️⃣ Devices

This is the final step - where you will select which device(s) you would like to monitor this rule. Once they are selected, click [Create Rule] and you are done.

This is an image of step 4. Devices - there is a question: 'Which devices would you like to monitor this rule?' and then there is a select all button or a checkbox next to each device.