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Manage events with SiteHive Enviro Pro

πŸ“Š Manage events with SiteHive

Explore the functionality of Events, an innovative feature in SiteHive Enviro Pro that enables users to track, analyse, and gain valuable insights into on-site exceedances.

Header section of SiteHive Events Page showing exceedances for noise dust and vibration. A graph shows the number of events per aspect on the right.

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Where to set up events πŸ‘€

Events is a SiteHive Enviro Pro feature that allows users to record, investigate and explain exceedances that happen on site. 

SiteHive Rules Page located in Site Details. A map with the Sitehive office pinned is at the top. The noise and dust rules sections sit below with the all add rule buttons highlighted.


Events are generated by rules, which are user-specified thresholds created in the Settings section. 

A rule typically features a parameter (e.g. sound level), a threshold (e.g. 65dB) and a time of day (e.g. 7am-6pm). 

When creating a rule, users can specify if a rule will generate Thresholds Only or Events. 

Snippet of SiteHive rule configuration including noise parameter set to LAeq, and decibel thresholds for different time periods e.g. day evening and night. One Hexanode is selected for this rule to apply to.

'Thresholds Only' will generate a threshold line on the Dashboard and Reporting graphs that serve a purely visual purpose. 

Image of Hexanode Device noise graph which has a threshold line.

A rule that is configured to 'Generate Events' will record every instance where data from your site exceeds that threshold, and store that instance as an 'Event'.

Image of Hexanode Device noise graph which has a threshold line and events.

Managing events

Header section of SiteHive Events Page showing exceedances for noise dust and vibration. A graph shows the number of events per aspect on the right. Beneath that is a list of every noise dust and vibration monitoring exceedance aggregated by rule

View of the Event explanation modal window includign Reportable and Non Reportable Categories such as poor air quality, tunnel segment deliveries, Anthropogenic noise and poor air quality as reported by the EPA

Close up view of SiteHive Events list showcasing the Explain and Investigate buttons for a Vibration Waveform rule

The "Investigate" button provides contextual information for the exceedance, including images, audio, direction of arrival data, and vibration waveforms. This simplifies on-site event investigation, whether in real-time or during month-end reporting.

SiteHive Event Investigation window showing rich contextual information for a noise exceedance like recorded noise parameters, an image captured from site by the Hexanode and a six second audio recording from the Hexanode

Events on dashboard

SiteHive Dashboard Noise graph showing events and exceedances of a noise LAeq NCA rule

Events appear on the dashboard for real-time investigation. 

Clicking an event bubble displays details such as the rule that triggered it, the exceeded measurement, and any associated media for quick on-the-fly investigation and explanation.

Reporting events

Events is a key feature to incorporate into end-of-month reporting. 

Events can be included, Reportable, Non-Reportable, or both, in SiteHive generated PDF reports. This makes it easy to account for and report exceedances of site thresholds. 

Details of the exceedance, including the category and explanation are included in the PDF. Read more about Generating PDF Reports with SiteHive

Dust Events Table from SiteHive PDF Reports showing Dust or Air Quality exceedances for PM10