SiteHive Support Center

PDF reports

πŸ“Š PDF reports

Generating reports is a key part of any project, and SiteHive has a range of features to help all elements of this. 

These include: 

PDF reports can be generated from Reporting > PDF Reports in SiteHive Enviro: 

SiteHive Reporting page selected for Noise monitoring aspect. The PDF Reports subnavigation is selected showing three report options: Periodic Report, Attended Summary Report and Point in time Report

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πŸ“† Periodic reports

Periodic reports are the most comprehensive report type and are typically used for generating a report for any number of devices/locations, over periods of time from a week to 6 months. 

Reports are generated for one aspect (noise/dust/vibration) at a time. 

Periodic reports have a range of configurations available when you generate the report, including whether the report should contain: 

Your configuration settings will be saved automatically, so each time you come to generate a report the settings will be the same as last time. 

πŸ”Š Point in time reports

Point in time reports are a quick and easy way to generate a one page summary to show what was happening at a specific date/time/location across your site. 

Typically done retrospectively, and often in response to complaints (e.g. someone reckons there was loads of construction noise yesterday). 

This report allows you to select a specific device out on site, and time, with the report then containing both context data (e.g. graph of data for the whole day), and specific results from that time (e.g. noise levels, images), and add your own commentary on site activities etc that may have been occurring. 

SiteHive Point in Time Report showing data for a specific time and location. An orange pin is shown on a map alongside weather data and contextual information like time and location. 15 minute aggregated noise data is shown on a graph including LAeq, LA10, LA90 and LAmax

πŸ“„ Attended reports

Taking attended noise, water, dust, vibration and odour measurements allows a subjective expert assessment of site conditions, complementing a site's continuous real-time monitoring. 

These measurements often need to be turned into more formal reports, including adding a range of contextual details along with the captured measurements. 

SiteHive automates this entire process, significantly streamlining the whole attended monitoring workflow. 

Teams can use the SiteHive Attended app on their mobile devices while in the field. This allows the instant capture of all key data, which is then immediately available in SiteHive. 

SiteHive Attended Noise Measurement recording detailing an attended noise measurement in sydney with values for LAeq, LA10, LA90, LAmax and LAmin. The attended measurement shows green for compliant

ο»ΏEach record in the Attended Monitoring Table now has a PDF button at the far right. Clicking this button generates a PDF document of that attended monitoring result. PDFs are generated whenever the button is pressed, allowing edits to the detail of the form to be undertaken at any time, including adding additional details or attaching relevant files.

SiteHive Attended Noise measurement table showing a single noise measurement. The generate pdf button is highlighted on the right

Each PDF is formatted to fit a single page and includes information that is captured automatically, including weather at the time of monitoring, and location. 

The results section shows the compliance status clearly and breaks down the component results captured. 

Any attached images are also shown, creating a complete and easy to understand record for the project.

SiteHive Attended Noise Monitoring Report showing results and data for a recording at the Annandale Hotel. An orange pin is shown on a map alongside weather data and contextual information like time and location. 15 minute aggregated noise data is shown on a graph including LAeq, LA10, LA90 and LAmax. A picture of Fergus from SiteHive drinking a beer features

βœ¨πŸ“ˆ Remove unwanted data 

Just select the date and time to skip, and watch those funky data points disappear.

This is a great tool to remove erroneous data spikes during Vibration Device installation or for dust spikes

How to add a gap to your data: