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SiteHive Enviro Pro Software

๐Ÿ’ป๐Ÿ“Š What you can do with SiteHive Enviro Pro โž• Software

Upgrade your capabilities with SiteHive Enviro Pro, ensuring that each Hexanode Device not only receives the standard SiteHive Enviro Software capabilities but also gains access to advanced features such as event management, attended measurements, stakeholder coordination, sophisticated reporting, and seamless integration of third-party devices. This enhancement caters to more complex requirements, offering a comprehensive solution for your environmental management needs.

๐Ÿ”Ž Quick Search

- Where to set up events

- Rules

- Managing events

- Events on dashboard

- Reporting events

- How to add attended measurement

- Add additional details with notes

- Upload Files

- Generating a PDF

- Visualise your data with graphs

- How to install Attended App via Safari

- How to install the Attended App via Chrome

- How to share with stakeholders

- Periodic reports

- Point in time reports

- Attended reports

- Connect a third-party vibration device

- Connect a Svantek Device

๐Ÿ”ด Events

With SiteHive Enviro Pro you can investigate and explain onsite events easily, in real time. The events feature provides you with a clear summary of events to show you exactly what's happening on site, detailed images, mapping and audio to identify causes, innovative AI technology that classifies noise to save time and a comprehensive system of records.

Header section of SiteHive Events Page showing exceedances for noise dust and vibration. A graph shows the number of events per aspect on the right.

Where to set up events ๐Ÿ‘€

SiteHive Rules Page located in Site Details. A map with the Sitehive office pinned is at the top. The noise and dust rules sections sit below with the all add rule buttons highlighted.


Events are generated by rules, which are user-specified thresholds created in the settings section. A rule typically features a parameter (e.g. sound level), a threshold (e.g. 65dB) and a time of day (e.g. 7am-6pm). When creating a rule, users can specify if a rule will generate thresholds only or events.

Snippet of SiteHive rule configuration including noise parameter set to LAeq, and decibel thresholds for different time periods e.g. day evening and night. One Hexanode is selected for this rule to apply to.

'Thresholds Only' will generate a threshold line on the Dashboard and Reporting graphs that serve a purely visual purpose.

Image of Hexanode Device noise graph which has a threshold line.

A rule that is configured to 'Generate Events' will record every instance where data from your site exceeds that threshold, and store that instance as an 'Event'.

Image of Hexanode Device noise graph which has a threshold line and events.

Managing events

Header section of SiteHive Events Page showing exceedances for noise dust and vibration. A graph shows the number of events per aspect on the right. Beneath that is a list of every noise dust and vibration monitoring exceedance aggregated by rule.

Close up view of SiteHive Events list showcasing the Explain and Investigate buttons for a Vibration Waveform rule.

The 'Investigate' button provides contextual information for the exceedance, including images, audio, direction of arrival data, and vibration waveforms. This simplifies on-site event investigation, whether in real-time or during month-end reporting.

SiteHive Event Investigation window showing rich contextual information for a noise exceedance like recorded noise parameters, an image captured from site by the Hexanode and a six second audio recording from the Hexanode.

Events on dashboard

SiteHive Dashboard Noise graph showing events and exceedances of a noise LAeq NCA rule.

Events appear on the dashboard for real-time investigation. 

Clicking an event bubble displays details such as the rule that triggered it, the exceeded measurement. and any associated media for quick on-the-fly investigation and explanation.

Reporting events

Events is a key feature to incorporate into end-of-month reporting.

Events can be included, reportable, non-reportable, or both, in SiteHive generated PDF reports. This makes it easy to account for and report exceedances of site thresholds.

Details of the exceedance, including the category and explanation are included in the PDF.

SiteHive Dashboard Noise graph showing events and exceedances of a noise LAeq NCA rule.

Attended Measurements

Picture of the SiteHive Enviro Pro dashboard. The attended tab has been selected and within the attended tab the attended monitoring tab has been selected and is displayed.

SiteHive Enviro Pro includes the SiteHive Attended App, which allows onsite measurements to be captured, analysed and reported instantly. Record field measurements for water, noise, dust, vibration and odour.

Add contextual images and weather data. Report on trends over time and between locations.

How to add attended measurement

This shows the Dust Measurement section in attended monitoring. In the image it has reason for monitoring: general monitoring or community complaint, date with calendar selector, start time and measurement duration. A text field to write who this was assessed by and a location dropdown.

Add additional details with notes

We have a dedicated section called 'Notes' that offers customisation options directly from the main dashboard under settings.

This image shows the menubar that appears when you click the 'Attended' tab in the top menubar of SiteHive Enviro. The menubar pictured has attended monitoring, site observations, lab results and settings. In the image 'settings' has been highlighted.

This feature allows you to include additional details that may not be captured in the original form. By editing the Notes section in settings, you can specify the text that will automatically appear each time in the Notes field. This eliminates the need for manual entry on every occasion.

For instance, when measuring noise levels, you may want to include information about the terrain type and the distance from site activities. By editing these details in settings, they will be automatically populated in your form every time, saving you time and ensuring consistency.

This image is of the notes open text field. There is example text - Terrain Type:, Distance from site activities:, Custom field 1:.

Upload files

In the notes section, you can easily add files or images to the attended monitoring points. This handy feature lets you have visual evidence alongside your data.

Image of the attended noise measurement form with the 'upload files' drop down clicked and upload file button highlighted.

Generating a PDF

This image shows where you can generate a pdf for your attended monitoring. It shows the attended monitoring tab and has the generate pdf button highlighted.

In Attended Monitoring, you also have the option to generate a customised PDF of your data.

This can be tailored based on the aspect and date range you choose.

Image shows the Generate PDF window - it has report title, a dropdown to select the aspect and a calendar picker for the date range.

Visualise your data with graphs

This shows the attended monitoring results with a water graph shown measuring pH and Salinity.

We also provide a graph feature, that presents Attended Monitoring results in a clear and concise graph format. This feature enables easy comparison of trends over time and across different locations, allowing you to gain valuable insights.

You can conveniently filter locations and compare parameters on the graphs.

How to install the Attended App via Safari 


Open Safari and login to SiteHive. Navigate to the Attended monitoring page and click the Share icon (middle icon that is a square with an arrow pointing out) on the tool bar, as seen below:

This is an image of the 'share icon' on the toolbar of an iPhone using Safari.

Scroll down and press 'Add to Home Screen'. (Click the plus button [ + ] )

This image is of the 'Add to Home Screen' button on Safari on an iPhone. 

The SiteHive home shortcut will add to your phone - making it easier to access Attended Monitoring.

This image is of an iPhone home screen with the SiteHive app tile.

How to install the Attended App via Chrome


This is how to use the SiteHive attended app if Safari is not available on your phone. 
โ—Google Chrome must be installed before and SiteHive login details saved in the browser.

On your device, search for Shortcuts and open the application.

This image is of the search bar on an iPhone where 'shortcuts' has been typed and the 'shortcuts' button is above under 'Top Hit.'

 Once the app is open, click the plus ( [+] ) button to use the search bar and type 'Open URL in chrome'. 
 Click the link 'Open URLs in Chrome'. 

This image is of the shortcuts page on an iPhone. The '+' button is highlighted. To the right of the image is what it looks like when you click the '+' button. Open URL in Chrome has been typed.

Next, open Google Chrome and copy the link for the Attended monitoring page and paste it in the URL section in shortcuts. 
Rename the link and then add it to your Home Screen.

This image is 4 images combined. From left to right the 'open URLs in Chrome' page has been opened and 'Rename' and 'Add to Home screen' has been highlighted. Next is the SiteHive attended monitoring page pasted in the URL section and it has been renamed 'SiteHive.' Next is the 'Add' button highlighted and last is an image of an iPhone homescreen with the SiteHive app.


Stakeholder View

Positive stakeholder and community relationships are critical for smooth project delivery. Transparency in project performance can help foster these relationships. 

SiteHive's stakeholder view is designed to help with exactly this - giving stakeholders and the community a view into how environmental impact is being managed. 

The Stakeholder View provides a high level overview of data from site, averaged at a higher level (e.g. 1 or 3 hourly averages) than the raw measurements (e.g. 1 or 15 minute averages), and delayed by 1 day. Each Aspect (Noise, Dust, Vibration) has its own dedicated page. 

Each page shows clear summary statistics for the selected period at the top, then detailed graphs for each monitoring device below. The default time selection is the last 30 days, but users can select other time periods (except for data from that day). 

This image is of the Stakeholder view page. The aspect selected is dust. Pictured is device statistics - Average PM2.5 and Average PM10 as well as dust graphs for the date range that has been selected.

How to share with stakeholders

To allow stakeholders to access this information simply press the share button at the top right of the page. 

โ„น๏ธ After the link is generated it is valid for 3 months.

This image is of the stakeholder view menubar it has the site name, aspect, date range and share button.

This brings up a modal with a link that can be copied and shared:  

This image is of the page that pops up when you click the 'share' button. There is a share link and a 'copy link' button and a 'close' button.

When people access the link they aren't required to login, so anyone with the link can see the Stakeholder View. 

However, they can only see the Stakeholder View unless the user logs in to SiteHive and will then be able to see other pages.

What is shared can also be configured, with a range of options including: 

This image is of Stakeholder settings page. There is a section to select devices, toggle on or off stat cards, a graph section where you can choose interval periods, an option to show data as log scale or linear scale and the final section where you can toggle on or off telemetry graphs, thresholds and site hours. Below that in the bottom left corner is a 'close' button and to the right a 'save' button.

Benefits of stakeholder view:

Advanced Reporting

Unlock the power of customised reporting with SiteHive Enviro Pro, allowing you to tailor reports to your needs. These reports can showcase weather details, highlight out-of-hours periods on graphs, provide a comprehensive events list, display device statistics (via stats cards and daily averages tables), and offer attended reporting.

SiteHive recognises the importance of generating reports in project management and provides a variety of features, including periodic reports for weekly/monthly/quarterly insights, point-in-time reports for specific time/location details, and attended reports summarising in-person monitoring sessions using the SiteHive Attended App.

PDF reports can be generated from Reporting > PDF Reports in SiteHive Enviro: 

SiteHive Reporting page selected for Noise monitoring aspect. The PDF Reports subnavigation is selected showing three report options: Periodic Report, Attended Summary Report and Point in time Report

Periodic reports

Periodic reports are the most comprehensive report type and are typically used for generating a report for any number of devices/locations, over periods of time from a week to 6 months. 

Reports are generated for one aspect (noise/dust/vibration) at a time. 

Periodic reports have a range of configurations available when you generate the report, including whether the report should contain: 

Your configuration settings will be saved automatically, so each time you come to generate a report the settings will be the same as last time. 

๐Ÿ—“๏ธ Point in time reports

Point in time reports are a quick and easy way to generate a one page summary to show what was happening at a specific date/time/location across your site. 

Typically done retrospectively, and often in response to complaints (e.g. someone reckons there was loads of construction noise yesterday). 

This report allows you to select a specific device out on site, and time, with the report then containing both context data (e.g. graph of data for the whole day), and specific results from that time (e.g. noise levels, images), and add your own commentary on site activities etc that may have been occurring. 

SiteHive Point in Time Report showing data for a specific time and location. An orange pin is shown on a map alongside weather data and contextual information like time and location. 15 minute aggregated noise data is shown on a graph including LAeq, LA10, LA90 and LAmax

Attended reports

Taking attended noise, water, dust, vibration and odour measurements allows a subjective expert assessment of site conditions, complementing a site's continuous real-time monitoring. 

These measurements often need to be turned into more formal reports, including adding a range of contextual details along with the captured measurements. 

SiteHive automates this entire process, significantly streamlining the whole attended monitoring workflow. 

Teams can use the SiteHive Attended app on their mobile devices while in the field. This allows the instant capture of all key data, which is then immediately available in SiteHive. 

Attended monitoring table of results.

๏ปฟEach record in the Attended Monitoring Table now has a PDF button at the far right. Clicking this button generates a PDF document of that attended monitoring result. PDFs are generated whenever the button is pressed, allowing edits to the detail of the form to be undertaken at any time, including adding additional details or attaching relevant files.

This image is of the PDF that generates when you click the PDF button on the right hand side.

Each PDF is formatted to fit a single page and includes information that is captured automatically, including weather at the time of monitoring, and location. 

The results section shows the compliance status clearly and breaks down the component results captured. 

Any attached images are also shown, creating a complete and easy to understand record for the project.

Third-party devices

With SiteHive Enviro Pro you can connect existing noise, dust or vibration devices to get all the benefits of SiteHive software across all your data.

๐Ÿ“ณ Connect a third-party vibration device

If you have a third-party vibration device, you can contact us to connect them. We can connect with a wide range of suppliers, including

Whilst not all devices are created equally, SiteHive can process any vibration monitoring data via a number of methods, including API connections, s/ftp transfer, and even email integrations.

๐Ÿ”Š Connect a Svantek Device

Svantek devices can connect to SiteHive Enviro Pro software via the FTP export setting in Svannet. 

A valid Svannet license that enables 'projects' is required. 

There are slightly different configurations based on the Svantek device's model, you can contact us to connect them.