SiteHive Support Center

SiteHive Enviro Software

πŸ’» πŸ“Š What you can do with SiteHive Enviro Software

SiteHive Enviro makes it easy to see and manage what's happening across your site in real time - from wherever you are. You have the information you need to make confident decisions and act proactively. Intuitive and easy, you'll love using SiteHive to manage environmental impact.

Image comparison between SiteHive Enviro and SiteHive Enviro Pro software. In the image the SiteHive Enviro software features are highlighted - real-time data from SiteHive Hexanode devices, Dashboard to see all project data in one place, key stats across reporting periods, fast, graphical analysis and reporting, set thresholds for all graphs, individual logins for unlimited users, email and SMS notifications and weather data from BOM and Open Weather Map. Next to SiteHive Enviro is SiteHive Enviro Pro. The additional features that don't fall in the SiteHive Enviro package is: event investigation and management, attended monitoring app for field measurements, customisable periodic PDF reports, advanced calculations (e.g background levels), stakeholder view for clients/communities and connect your own noise, dust, vibration & weather devices.

An image of the top menu bar for SiteHive Enviro software. Pictured from left to right - SiteHive Logo, Dashboard, Reporting, Site Details.

πŸ”Ž Quick Search

- Filter by aspect

- Easily explore past dates

- Daily Notes

- Project map

- Device tiles

- Graphs and data

- Media

- Graphs

- Stats and Analysis

- PDF Reports

- Site Details

- Devices & Monitoring Points

- Thresholds & Notifications

- Users


Image of a SiteHive Enviro client's dashboard. The dashboard tab has been selected which shows the project name, an aspect drop down, calendar selector. Below that is the map of the project which shows their monitoring points as orange triangles along with the name of the monitoring point. In the top right hand corner of the map is the open weather map weather and on the top left hand corner is the map view drop down and next to that the data layer view. Below the project map are the device tiles.

Filter by aspect πŸ”ŠπŸ“³πŸ’¨

SiteHive Enviro dashboard. Next to the site name 'Calder Park' on the right hand side is the aspect dropdown. In the image the dropdown has been clicked to display all aspects you can filter by: All, dust, noise, vibration and water.

This image displays the Calder Park site's SiteHive Enviro Dashboard. Noise has been selected as the aspect which has been highlighted and the two noise device cards are showing and highlighted.

This image displays a noise device card being selected. It shows the dB sounds level line graph which shows LAmax, LAeq, LA10 and LA90. Below the graph is the media which includes images and 6 second audio for each image.

Explore past dates πŸ—“οΈ

Daily Notes πŸ—’οΈ

Daily Notes is accessible on the Dashboard:

Snippet of the Sitehive Dashboard Navigation bar with an orange arrow pointing to the daily notes button

Daily notes is used to make general comments about anything that has happened during the day.

ℹ️ Currently, no file attachments (e.g., photos), or locations, are stored within Daily Notes. 

Gif of the daily notes feature in action on the Sitehive dashboard across multiple days

How to navigate daily notes

Snippet of the Sitehive Dashboard Navigation bar with an orange arrow pointing to the daily notes button

Add Daily Note menu with no text entered in the field

Daily Note button with an orange highlight to demonstrate that a note has been made that day

Example of multiple Sitehive daily notes for one day

A SiteHive daily note with the edit button highlighted

Edit window for SiteHive daily notes with the Delete button and Edit Note button highlighted

ℹ️ As a 'good to know' you will be asked to confirm your request to delete your daily note so that you don't accidentally delete any important notes.

SiteHive Edit Daily Note window with 'Confirm Delete' button highlighted