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Monitoring points and Device Orientation

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🤩 Monitoring points benefits

Monitoring points on the dashboard

SiteHive dashboard view of Bruce Highway E2G site with an orange arrow pointed at the Assign Monitoring Point button

SiteHive dashboard device card reel

How to assign monitoring points

SiteHive device card reel with assign monitoring point button highlighted

SiteHive manage device modal window on the Monitoring Points tab. The create monitoring point button is highlighted and an orange arrows points towards it

SiteHive create monitoring point modal window. An orange arrow show where to enter a monitoring point name and another arrow points to the draggable monitoring point pin

🧭 Device Orientation

The SiteHive Hexanode Device's internal compass determines its orientation, which, in turn, affects the measurement of directional sound and camera activation. 

To maintain accurate direction of arrival in your media, it's crucial to ensure the correct orientation is maintained.

How to update device orientation

You can change your device orientation or can add in your device orientation if you set up your monitoring point before knowing the device's orientation.

To set the orientation you can:

Monitoring points over time

One of the main benefits of Monitoring Points is that now, data can be assigned to a location independent of which physical device captures it. 

In the example below, for the Monitoring Point of Butcher Road, you can see that on the 13th of March, Hexanode serial 55 was on site. This was replaced with Hexanode 179 on the 14th March (so both show up), and on the 15th of March just Hexanode 179 shows up - seamless!

13th March:

SiteHive device cards showing noise dust and vibration monitoring data for 13 march

14th March:

SiteHive device cards showing two different devices assigned to the same monitoring point. Serial 55 has data until the afternoon where serial 179 was swapped and begins recording

15th March:

Sitehive device card reel showing hexanode 179 recording on 15 march

The history of where a device has been can be seen in the Monitoring Points tab in the manage device modal: 

Snippet of SiteHive Monitoring Points info in manage device modal. The monitoring point history details name of the monitoring point that it was assigned to as well as the start and end times that it was deployed there

And the history of which devices have been at each Monitoring Point and when can be seen in Site Details > Devices & Monitoring Points, allowing you to see all of the physical devices that were present at that location, and when: 

Device history information in the Devices and Monitoring Points page. Shows the latitude and longitude of the monitoring point as well as the device serials attached and on which dates

Monitoring points in reporting

In Reporting, the default view is still by Parameter, with each device able to be selected by serial number. 

Monitoring points in graphs

The graph legend then shows which Monitoring Points this device has been assigned to over time: 

SiteHive Reporting Graphs page showing air quality PM2.5 graph. The legend shows the device serial and the monitoring point it was attached to

It is also now possible to graph by Monitoring Point, which will provide continuous data irrespective of which device was assigned. 

Using the same example from Butcher Road above this shows a single line, even though it was contributed to by 2 different devices: 

SiteHive reporting graphs page showing Noise LAeq graph for Butcher Road monitoring point with no device serials showing in the legend

Monitoring points in stats & analysis

Monitoring points can now be used in the Stats and Analysis section to look at trends by monitoring point.

To analyse the monitoring point the time period can be selected using the calendar feature as well as choosing what to analyse e.g. dust and/or water. 

If there are multiple devices in this location they can be assigned to a monitoring point to calculate daily averages. 
This is also beneficial if devices are only being used for a certain period of time, extra devices are added to a site, need to be replaced or moved to monitor a different area.

SiteHive Stats and Analysis page showing summary Air quality statistics for dust pm2.5 and pm10 by monitoring pointSiteHive Stats and Analysis page showing average daily dust pm2.5 and pm10 for a monitoring point in march 2023

Monitoring points in PDF reports

PDF reporting can be calculated for up to six months for different devices e.g. dust, noise, vibration or water. There are two options to generate PDF's including periodic report and an attended summary report. This automatically groups information in a format that is readable and easy to compare against different time periods. 

1. Periodic report - this generates a report with key stats, graphs, events and an attended summary for all devices over the selected date range.

2. Attended summary report- this generates a summary report for all attended measurements over the selected data range. 

Monitoring points in downloads

The downloads from SiteHive Enviro are largely the same, however, the Monitoring Point name has been added as a new column in all downloads:

Excel spreadsheet showing sitehive csv data including day, date, time, lat, lng, device name, device serial and monitoring point