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Water with SiteHive

💧 Real-time water and Attended Monitoring

Track real-time water conditions on your SiteHive Enviro dashboard with integrated devices. Easily manage attended water data alongside other project details using our Attended app. Analyse data effortlessly with automated reports and graphs for a complete on-site overview for simplified water management on site.

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Real-time water

Water is no longer limited to attended measurements and lab results. 

You can now integrate water telemetry devices to track parameters like turbidity, electrical conductivity and dissolved oxygen concentration in real time!

Contact us to get yours up and running.

Surface water monitoring

Surface water monitoring is a feature of SiteHive Attended. 👀

SiteHive processes the detailed analysis undertaken by laboratories covering hundreds of parameters, making it immediately available and useful in SiteHive. You can quickly see any non-compliant areas and take action as required.

We've worked with a range of labs, including Eurofins and ALS, to automate the processing of their results. It's as easy as forwarding us the email with the attachments you get from the lab. 

Then, within seconds, they're all available and analysed against thresholds in SiteHive. 

SiteHive Enviro Pro Attended Water Page with Attended tab and Water filter highlighted in orange. A map of sydney with orange pins with a water icon are dotted on a number of locations. A results table below shows different sets of attended water measurements including parameters like pH, electrical conductivity, salinity and turbidity. The measurements are marked as compliant

How to find the results

SiteHive Attended Lab Results Page showing multiple sets of water lab results all tested by ALS laboratories. An apply thresholds button sits above the table, all inputs show N/A compliance and have a view files button

SiteHive Attended Water Lab Thresholds Window showing ANZG guidelines for freshwater and marine water which can be applied to each set of lab results