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Daily notes & site observations

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Close up of SiteHive daily notes feature detailing key benefits like recording and tracking site information

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Daily notes

Daily Notes is accessible on the Dashboard:

Snippet of the Sitehive Dashboard Navigation bar with an orange arrow pointing to the daily notes button

Daily notes is used to make general comments about anything that has happened during the day.

ℹ️ Currently, no file attachments (e.g., photos), or locations, are stored within Daily Notes. 

Gif of the daily notes feature in action on the Sitehive dashboard across multiple days

How to navigate daily notes

Snippet of the Sitehive Dashboard Navigation bar with an orange arrow pointing to the daily notes button

Add Daily Note menu with no text entered in the field

Daily Note button with an orange highlight to demonstrate that a note has been made that day

Example of multiple Sitehive daily notes for one day

A SiteHive daily note with the edit button highlighted

Edit window for SiteHive daily notes with the Delete button and Edit Note button highlighted

ℹ️ As a 'good to know' you will be asked to confirm your request to delete your daily note so that you don't accidentally delete any important notes.

SiteHive Edit Daily Note window with 'Confirm Delete' button highlighted

Site observations

Site Observations is part of SiteHive attended monitoring, and can be found:

SiteHive Attended Monitoring Page with Attended and Site Observations navigation items highlighted and the Add Site Observation button highlighted

Site Observations follow a similar flow to the existing Attended forms, and with each observation, you can save:

SiteHive attended site observation form including fields like assessor, monitoring location, site activities, weather and results

SiteHive attended monitoring page with a populated site observations table

Each observation can then be turned into a PDF instantly for: