Noise: How to setup Svantek
🔊📳 Svantek
Svantek devices are able to connect to SiteHive Enviro Pro software via the FTP export setting in Svannet.
A valid Svannet license that enables 'projects' is required.
There are slightly different configurations based on the model of the Svantek device being used.
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Measurement setup on the device
The measurement on the device is setup to enable data transfer. To check this under the project go to 'configuration', then 'edit station configuration':
The settings here does vary per device/firmware, but most Svantek devices support automatic logger splitting.
The example below is from a 977, the key setting settings here are setting a summary result to be saved ('Save summary results') every 15 mins, then above enabling 'Logger splitting' set to 'Every SR' - which means every summary result. Convoluted, but this will give us a results file every 15 mins.
Once this is setup, we expect to see a file 'downloaded' to Svannet every 15 mins, this can be checked under the project, then 'data files':
Svannet configuration
Once logged in, the setup for connection to SiteHive is in 'Automatic Download', under each 'project':
The automatic downloads page is where you configure both when/what is retrieved from the device (download period, file types), and also where these files are then sent (file upload destination). In the setup below, results & logger files will be retrieved 'continuously', so every 15 mins when ready (based on the setup above).
The setup for then sending the files to SiteHive is done in 'file upload destination', each project site has it's own username and password details (if you don't have these ask the SiteHive team).
It's advised to press 'Test connection' to check that the credentials have been entered correctly. Note other settings as below: