SiteHive NATA certification & calibration
For every Hexanode noise deployment, SiteHive ensures precise calibration using a pressure calibrator, which itself is calibrated at a NATA accredited facility. The device automatically records calibration values, date, and time. When the Hexanode noise arrives at your project site, an instant calibration certificate is generated, containing all the essential details. You can conveniently access the calibration certificate within the Site Details section of SiteHive Enviro. This process guarantees accurate and reliable monitoring for your environmental needs.
Where to find your calibration certificate
SiteHive Hexanode Overview
- The SiteHive Hexanode utilises MEMS-based sensors to provide user-friendly software and monitoring devices that offer improved environmental outcomes at a lower cost.
- SiteHive has collaborated extensively with the National Measurements Institute (NMI) to test and validate the accuracy of the Hexanode's MEMS sensors in accordance with IEC 61672.
- IEC 61672 standards are becoming outdated as they only cover condenser microphones that produce analog signals. Modern MEMS microphones, which provide digital signals, are increasingly recognised as a viable alternative for environmental monitoring.
- MEMS microphones offer high performance, reduced cost, and improved stability, allowing for more cost-effective deployment compared to traditional sound-level meters.
- The NMI is an authority in acoustic measurement standards and represents Australia in international forums discussing next-generation instrumentation and measurement traceability.
- While the NMI cannot conduct the complete IEC 61672 test suite due to the requirement for removable microphones and preamplifiers, they can provide NATA-certified calibration reports to confirm the Hexanode's compliance with the necessary standards.
The performance of the SiteHive Hexanode sound level meter is shown below, as measured by NMI, compared with the tolerances of a Class 2 sound level meter (note Class 2 devices are only required to perform up to 10KHz frequency range, the Hexanode actually measures beyond this, to 12.5KHz, Class 1 devices go to 20KHz):
It’s been a long process getting to this, including working through a number of iterations of our noiseboard design and various challenges along the way. So we’re now delighted to be able to provide the confidence in our measurements to the people who have not only trusted us to deliver, but provided invaluable input, feedback and suggestions throughout. Many thanks to everyone who has helped and been involved along the way. 🧡
We've also written a paper, presented at the 2022 Australian Acoustical Society Conference in Wellington, NZ. The paper details the design and testing process with both NMI and, more recently, the University of Technology Sydney Centre for Audio, Acoustics and Vibration (CAAV), and their incredible Tech Lab facility. Read more about our work with UTS Tech Lab here.
- SiteHive noise boards undergo testing at NMI to ensure consistency and adherence to IEC 61672 precision requirements
- SiteHive Hexanode Devices are calibrated using a pressure calibrator for every deployment. Calibration lasts for two years
- Calibration values, date, and time are automatically recorded on each Hexanode device
- A calibration certificate with key details is generated and available within the 'Manage HEX' button under 'Details' attached to your Hexanode Device
- You can save certificates for other devices used with SiteHive in the platform
- SiteHive allows you to save additional documentation such as deployment photos and maintenance logs
- You can easily assign these documents to specific devices within SiteHive via the Manage Window / Details tab.
ℹ️ The calibration certificate is a valuable addition to the device information we provide. It works hand in hand with the calibration countdown, which indicates when your device needs re-calibration. Once it's time, we'll promptly send you a freshly calibrated device to replace the current one.
Where to find your calibration certificate
Steps to find and download your device calibration certificate:
- Go to the Dashboard / Manage Window or on the Settings / Devices & Monitoring Points page.
- Click on the Manage button for the device
- Choose the device, and select the Details tab
- Calibration Date and Calibration Due can be seen
- And at the bottom of the screen the Calibration Certificate can be viewed and downloaded.
Download All Certificates
If you require all your device certificates in one download, you can go to Settings / Devices & Monitoring Points page, and click the 'Download certificates' button to download them all in one go.