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Direction of Arrival 🧭

πŸ“ Direction of Arrival (DoA): Maps & Media Mastery

The New Dashboard’s Map Views and Media Integration take your monitoring to the next level by giving you clear insights into where activity is happening and where it’s coming from. Here’s everything you need to know to make the most of these features!

πŸ—ΊοΈ Enhanced Map Views

The maps in the New Dashboard are dynamic and aspect-specific, meaning you can toggle between noise, dust, and vibration to see exactly what’s happening at each monitoring point.

Aspect-Specific Data

When you select an individual aspect (e.g., Noise, Dust, Vibration), the map updates to show the most relevant data:

🎯 What is Direction of Arrival (DoA)?

DoA is your tool for pinpointing where noise or dust is coming from, based on the Hexanode’s internal compass and directional data collection.

How It Works

πŸ”§ Ensuring Accurate DoA Data

Device Orientation is Key

The Hexanode Device’s internal compass determines its orientation, directly affecting the accuracy of DoA data. To maintain precise measurements:

  1. Install the device correctly: Follow the orientation guide for your site setup.
  2. Re-check device alignment during maintenance or redeployment.

πŸ’‘ Pro Tips for DoA & Maps

πŸš€ Want a Deeper Dive?

We’re here to help you master DoA and everything the New Dashboard has to offer: